Monday, December 15, 2008

Grandma's House

Here's some of the fallout from the ice storm. It's kind of hard to see the water line in some of them, but it's about 3 feet (came to the top of Neil's legs). Note temperature inside the house - 44 degrees! The picture doesn't do it justice, but the ice on the trees was really thick.
Still can't reach her insurance company...


Deb Hanna said...

holy moly you weren't exaggerating. crazy.

Bec Odell said...

OMG! That's crazy! What a good granddaughter you are to help. (PS - I like Neil in waders - is that what those things are called?) :)

Kelly H. said...

Yes, waders! Cute look huh?

Mrs. Cook said...

Oh my GOD - that is horrible. My mouth is hanging open..I feel so bad for her...