Saturday, July 5, 2008

Chillin in NJ with Libby, John & Crash

We snuck down to Jersey for a long weekend to hang with Libby and John. They have a new addition named Crash that they got for Christmas. Crash is a Havanese and he's a hoot. Our favorite was "run like hell". Apparently Havenses are chicken herders and I suspect this running and stopping on a dime is somehow tied in. Rumor has it that the Springer Spaniels are slowly going to get taken over by Havanese. We'll have to wait and see...

We took a day trip to the Camden Aquarium and saw Philly over the river. We pet sharks (yes, really!), saw hippos, ate awesome sushi and hung in the warm tub (it was too hot for a hot tub so they cooled the water down a bit so the kids could swim).

It was a nice leisurely visit with the fam. What a way to start off the summer!!

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