Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Family Sledding

Those of you who know me know I'm not a big fan of the cold and snow, but once in a while I like to unleash my inner 8 year old. After the week we had, once we were all safely back home we decided to head out in Sunday's storm and do some sledding. It was a ball! Kids got good and tired out and we got to see some friends and catch up. And yes, we did a couple "family runs" on the giant sled.

Then it was back in for the "good" hot cocoa with marshmallos. Mmmm.

My favorite part was seeing John G. and having him tell me, "Oh, you just missed Jeanne!" And me looking at him and saying, "Really, Jeanne was here?" (Knowing full well she likes this less than I do.) Him laughing and saying "no". Tee hee!!

1 comment:

Bec Odell said...

Oooo I like that big sled. Matt and the kids could go down together on one that size. I don't actually sled. Did I mistakenly give that impression? Good for you though, Kel!