Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Photography Class Week 1

I'm fresh from my first attempt at getting my homework done. On Deb's recommendation I'm taking the Foundations online photography course that she is just wrapping up. My first week's assignment isn't due until Sunday, but I was anxious to play today. Here are some first attempts. I've done nothing to edit them for lighting or color (which is killing me, BTW) as I'm trying to submit pix that are as close to out of my camera as possible. Here's the first batch. What do you think?


Bec Odell said...

I like the positioning (is that composition? I have not taken a class - clearly) :) Are your kids going to be willing models for the whole class? They are pretty darn adorable. At least you have the cats if the kids get sick of it. And Neil. :)

Kelly H. said...

Thanks Bec! I already told Neil to start getting his smile muscles ready. He can be the king of cheesy smiles though, so it might challenge my model direction.

Devin will probably drop out shortly if he hasn't already. Julia has been very willing so far, but I saw a bit of weariness today. I had to agree to take pictures with her stuffed lamb too. I'll post a couple of my finalists from today.