Thursday, February 14, 2008

Look what I made!!

Ok, tooting my own horn a bit. Check out the sweater I made for Julia! I made a hunter green one (same pattern) for Devin too. Isn't she cute in it??
Those of you who know knitting will be kind enough not to notice the color graduations don't match on the sleeves...


Bec Odell said...

very nice - love the color too! I had no idea you knew how to knit. you should make matching ones for you and Neil too. And them Deb can take a family photo with all of you wearing them. Nothing I like more than a matchy family photo... May not work well for the beach though. Has Deb told you that I also enjoy matchy vacation swim suits on the kids? At least one time, so we can get a picture. That's not weird, right?

Kelly H. said...

Are you kidding? Julia would be all over it. Unless it doesn't have "criss cross" straps, then good luck getting her into it. Devin will wear anything I put in front of him.

Deb Hanna said...

ok, Kelly will need to pick out the matchy suits then. good luck finding ones that will have Julia and Emma's size :) the boys will be easy- go Old Navy!

and I am very impressed with your sweater, I like it without the sleeves lining up. don't point it out people will think it belongs that way. Jessica is dying to learn to knit- I don't know how. Grandma Sara gave her some needles and yarn but alas they sit there until she sees GS. I will bring them on vaca, oh which reminds me I need to have you guys send me a check...

Kelly H. said...

Be happy to teach her. Maybe that will spark Julia's interest too. Knitting a scarf or something like that would be a piece of cake for them.