Monday, June 30, 2008

Magic Wings

Hey - only a month behind now!! We went to Magic Wings in Mass. on 5/29 with Julia's class for a field trip. Best opportunity to combine photos with my love of butterflies.

Everyone wanted to have a butterfly land on them. I'm not usually very lucky in this regard, but I was hopeful. Julia was hopeful and then started to lose hope. I little boy from down the street was practically brushing them off he was getting landed on so frequently.

One cool thing is that one of the types of butterflies that Julia learned about was guessed it...a "Julia" butterfly! It's the orange butterfly.

After the kids filed out for lunch I stole a quiet moment to walk around one more time. And guess what?? One landed on me. Now please be impressed with the fact that the shoulder you see is my own, and I took the picture. Try it sometime, it's quite humbling.

Julia thought it was cool that I had gotten lucky, even if she hadn't. It was a great field trip!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Last Ones

So, anytime we're out to eat and the server asks, is there anything else I can get you? Julia always pipes up and asks for COFFEE. Well, we told her, one day, we're really going to make you get it, and drink it.

So, feeling festive, when Julia asked for coffee we ordered her a cup of decaf. No cream, no sugar. She hasn't asked for it since...

One of "Mima" and the kids too!

Dinner After Vows

Here are some from dinner that night. Lots of laughs, for sure.

More Post-Vow Ceremony

We had a little champagne in the parking lot at Nubble and Heather even hooked up the tunes for a "first dance". They were such good sports!! We had dinner and a cake as a reception. It really was a great day.

Way Overdue Vow Renewal Photos

So, my sister and I, feeling very stealthy, planned a surprise (or "kamikazi" as we like to call it) vow renewal ceremony for my parent's 30th anniversary. (I like to say 30th a lot, b/c it makes people think I'm younger than I am...) We thought, heck we're all in Maine on Memorial Day weekend, why not then?

So, I found a Justice of the Peace online in York. I never actually spoke to him through the whole planning process. I had visions of the priest from "Princess Bride" showing up with "Wuv, what is wuv??" No such person appeared. Dan (HomstedBB in York) was a perfect delight. Even pretended to be a photographer as that was our "cover story". We told him we'd be wearing black and pink, and so did he!!

It was a wonderful day. We totally surprised them. They clutched onto each other like they did the first time, and it made us look and see what 30 years of thick and thin really looks like.

Congrats, Mom and Dad!!!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Memorial Day Antics

Here are a few more funny ones from Memorial Day weekend. There was much hilarity over the weekend, definitely a couple of Depends moments. Here were a few. Julia got a jumprope and watching Heather and Julia jumping was a highlight.

Pix from the stealth wedding vow renewal forthcoming...

Center for Wildlife

During Memorial Day Weekend in Maine we went to see Dad and Heather's adopted birds at the CFW. Think woods of Maine, mosquitos bigger than the raptors. We got a tour, met some of the residents and saw a porcupine!!

Mostly got to see the donations at work in this place of healing with their very dedicated staff. Kudos!


With all the crazy weather we've had lately it's no wonder rainbows have been appearing everywhere. Here's one we caught on 5/22. Ain't it purdy??

Caribbean Night

The 3rd graders have been studying the islands in the Caribbean for a while now. At the end of their studies they have a "Caribbean Night" at school. (Mind you this happened on 5/15, but I'm just now playing catch up). Each child got a "passport" and had to "travel" from one island to another to get their passport stamped. We got to do things like eat fruit, make tissue flowers, bend wire into a scultpture, dance, make a beaded craft, and play "Name That Island" on the Smartboard (my personal favorite).

(Aside: if you've never seen a Smartboard, it's pretty cool. It looks like a regular solid projection screen like every classroom has, but the difference is that it's a giant touch screen that's linked to the classroom computer. So, by touching the screen you're interacting with the computer. It's pretty wild. Norfeldt has several of these due to teachers applying for and receiving grants from the Foundation for WH Public Schools.)

Grandma came with us (thank goodness we had her craft expertise to guide us) and endured the heat (just like the Caribbean!!) in the cafeteria. We all wore our Caribbean shirts, except for Julia who decided to finally wear one of the dresses we got for her in Thailand - go figure.