Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Max's Thoughts About the Debates

I think his face says it all. I couldn't agree more. I get myself all nestled in to hear them discuss the issues and ANSWER THE DANG QUESTIONS and what do I hear?? More blah blah blah (finger pointing) blah blah blah (more finger pointing). ENOUGH!!!!

I want a president who LEADS, who makes decisions, can think on his/her feet and takes some ownership. Done with all of them.
Max for president!!


Bec Odell said...

I had to look away too - probably had the same expression on my face as Max did. Hated the town hall format and hated them pacing around. Mostly hated the dodging around the questions and the repeating of the same old catch phrases.

Kelly H. said...

I concur (so does Max).