So, I've been doing a lot of working at home lately. CIGNA is remodeling and has asked us all to be "flexible" during this time (read: I have a cube mate for the first time in 10 years). So, now that I can VPN from the house, I just work at home. So, I'm innocently sitting in my basement on Friday and my new "friend" appeared. As many of you know I am mortally afraid of spiders.
To give you a relativity, the numbers on the clock are about an inch tall.
When I went to pick the kids up on Friday I grabbed my flip flops and there was ANOTHER one of these enormous spiders (wolf spiders??) in the kitchen.
I told Neil I was moving if I saw another one. In deference to our finances Neil graciously cleaned all the webs off the outside of the house. I'm hoping it helps. Otherwise there could be pictures of me on your blogs as your new housemate.
nothing like a little pressure to get you to update your blog. although could have done without the spider pics- yeesh. at least you didn't throw your camera at it! Justin asked to go to Devin and Julia's house today. I told him next weekend, he told me it was next weekend so we should go now.
OK glad you updated your blog too- so much pressure from Deb! That spider is enormous!!! We have lots of them in Florida unfortunately. summertime is the worst. There were a couple of weeks there where we were capturing and releasing spiders from our house every day. Once, Art was sweeping a spider into the dustbin and about 40 babyspiders came out from under the mommy spider. The kids just about freaked out. I was glad to be in the other room at the time...
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