On a spur of the moment we hijacked the kids after karate (their first "leadership" class - they started to learn how to use numchuks, they're thrilled!) and took them to the mall. We ate at Pizzaria Uno (and saw Jenny H.!) and then went to see Santa.
We talked about how this wasn't the REAL Santa, but since we think this might be the last year of true believers, we wanted one more crack at it. This is the first picture of Julia with Santa where she isn't crying. Hmmmmm....
The kids were thrilled and thanked us over and over. This is one of those things I still remember as a kid, so hopefully they will too.
The theme at our mall is "Fred Claus" so we got one with Santa, and one with the "ninja elves" as Devin called them. I tried to call them the E.I.B. (Elves in Black) but they didn't get it.
numchucks and ninja elves all in one night - my kids would be way jealous! :)
Hey those ninja elves are so funny. Totally cracking up here!
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