Monday, October 1, 2007

Julia's 6th Birthday Karate Party

Ok, the "baby" turns 6 this week. So hard to believe. I think it hit me as I was assembling her life timeline for school (one picture from every year of her life). She's changed so much I almost think of her as a different person.

Please be sure to check out Deb Hanna's blog as she just posted some amazing pictures she took of Julia this weekend (see links to the right). Now granted, she had excellent subject matter, but aren't they incredible?

Julia had a ball at her karate birthday party. There were 12 kids all together and seeing them learn some of the basic moves and then chopping boards with their hands and feet was a riot. After all the activity they ate pizza and cake. The catch was they were supposed to eat the cake without their hands! I think Devin was only one of two kids who actually ate the whole piece without his hands (shows in the picture, does it not?)

The best part was that I finally got some pictures of Julia going through her karate moves. She's a natural. It's so cute to see her in action.

The Hanna family made the pilgrimage to WH for the party and stayed for a giant slumber party. Highlights included Marc getting told that "beer isn't allowed in the fire truck, sir", the women dominating with the ING cards (again), the new catchphrase ala Marc "the team who did (that) is BLOWING it," the girls all snuggled up almost face to face in Julia's bed. So cute!! Also found out that the chocolate kisses we keep in the bowl in the dining room are VERY appealing to 4 year old boys. Go figure??

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