Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Future Blackmail Material

I got a new version of my photo-editing software/organization ware for XMas and have been slowly going through and organizing all of my pix from the last few years (no easy task for those of you who know how many pictures I take).

It could be that I haven't taken too many new photos lately, or it could be that this is a little payback for the homework tantrum that Devin had today, but here is a beauty for your viewing pleasure...

This is my darling, then 7 year old, son playing dress up with his sister. Can't WAIT to submit this one to the high school yearbook!

1 comment:

Deb Hanna said...

as a big fan of American's Next Top Model, I am impressed by the way Devin is working his angles. the shape of the legs and the arm is spot on. Now he needs to work on his face, not quite fierce enough...