Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Karate Tournament - Demo Team

The kid had their first karate tournament on Mother's Day weekend. The Connecticut Children's Classic is great b/c it's local and everyone gets a trophy. One part the kids decided to do was to sign up for the Demo team with their school. Each of the Villari's schools creates a "demo" to show to the crowd. There were some VERY long practices for this demo team which required us to spent 3 consecutive Friday nights at karate from 4:30-7:30. But the practice paid off and they did a great job!

Devin got to show off some of his nunchuk skills and Julia was the victor in a "bully" situation (all staged of course). It was a lot of work for them, but they LOVED it. Devin said Fridays were his favorite day b/c we got to "camp out" at karate.

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