Thursday, May 8, 2008

Oh Yes It's Ladies Night...

Our annual pilgrimage to Water's Edge in Westbrook was nothing less than spectacular this year. Started by my friend, and former West Hartford-ite, Julie last year, all the "moms" from our school head down for a night of sun, sand, and more importantly, WINE.

We had a gorgeous day the last weekend of April. A little cool, but sunny and perfect for sitting on the beach with the "Bee Bucket" and swilling down some of the grape. After watching three weddings at the resort (we decided next year we're bringing our fancy dresses and crashing a wedding for the free shrimp cocktail) and drinking two bottles plus our "box-o-wine" we headed up to the pub for a burger and back to the lofts for some girl time.

Were thrilled to meet Julie's friend Lisa's sister Laura who was a HOOT. Love anyone who hails from Maine. We had a blast. Sunday, a little breakfast and then SHOPPING at the outlets. What could be better??

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