Thursday, November 20, 2008

My new "must have" music

Ok, maybe I'm late to the Joshua Radin party, but you must find the means to acquire this man's new CD "Simple Times". Then, after you listen to his rich, folky voice (with what sounds like a hint of Irish influence) and his mello guitar sounds, read his story.

I love that he took a stand against the big music machine, sooo gutsy and risky (being a long time underwriter, I am risk-averse and therefore totally envy his intestinal fortitude). I hope he's the next household name and that big music scores this one as a huge loss. Seriously, Columbia/Sony thought there was no top 40 hit here? Sheep need not apply.

I need to go listen to "One of Those Days" again now...

1 comment:

Bec Odell said...

Ooo. I'll have to check out his other stuff. The only song I know/have is "Only You." I bought it after loving it on that JC Penney commercial with the mom and little girl. Have you seen it?