Saturday, November 1, 2008

Spooky Oookey

Happy Halloween! The kids were Hannah Montana and a gory Grim Reaper this year. Dev's costume had a blood pump in the chest. There was this little voice in my head that knew it was going to break and there would be fake blood all over him at some point. This concerned me a bit as I discovered it seemed to stain and he had brand new jeans on.

Well, of course it broke and there was "blood" all over him. And in my zeal to wash the clothes I forgot to take a picture of them!! Duh! It was kind of funny though, and the blood came out, go figure.

Julia had her diva act down. Papa and Aunt Bet came over to see them in their costumes and I couldn't resist taking a picture of the "paparazzi" in the kitchen too! As soon as they asked Julia for a picture, she struck a pose so naturally it was hysterical! She made a fabulous HM. The wig kept freaking Devin out though. He said it "didn't match her eyes". Hee hee.

We ran out of candy by 7:40 and had to turn the lights off. LOVE this neighborhood on Halloween!

Hopeyou all had a good one! Boo!


Bec Odell said...

Very spooky, Devin! And lovin' Miss Montana and her paparazzi!

Deb Hanna said...

love Miss J all posey posey- so funny. can't say I am a fan of the gross costumes but I know they are in our future as well.