Sunday, November 30, 2008

Reunited and it feels so good!

After the stuff yourself full day on Thursday I spent the rest of the weekend in reunion mode. First at the cocktail party Friday night of the mom of a good friend of mine. That was like "reunion lite" and a good gear up to my actual reunion last night.
There were a lot of people that couldn't make it that I would have loved to have seen, but it was great seeing the crew who did make it. Here's a small sampling of the pix. I do have some really fun pix of Deb dancing, but love her too much to post them (though it's a series of very flattering shots of your posterior). All in all it was a fun night! Continuing it tonight with a few more folks that don't have to head back to their home states quite yet.


Deb Hanna said...

thank you friend for not posting any pics of my posterior- although I think I caught one of facebook. had total fun, wish more people had come for sure.

Kelly H. said...

Yes, the one that made it to FB was VERY tame by comparison. But really, your butt looked great. No shame there!!

Bec Odell said...

Kel I love your top. (Um, shirt...I'm not talkin' chest. After all the posterior discussion...) :) But did you not get the purple and black memo? Deb and Manjula (i think) are so nicely coordinated.

Sounds like you guys had a blast.

Mrs. Cook said...

What fun!! Which reunion was it? I love your outfit too - perfect! How was the music?

Kelly H. said...

It was our...uh...10th yeah, our 10th!! (Ok, it was our 20th.)

Music sucked, which was sad b/c it could have rocked.

Kristin said...

Okay, I need a little help on identifying people!! I've got most people, but in the one picture, left to right, it's Judy (hasn't changed a bit), you, Deb, and...???

Is that last one of you and Dan Fisher??

How many people were there? I want to here more (and I want to know why our dumb class did it on Thanksgiving Weekend when it's really, really hard for people who would have to fly to make it!!!).

Kristin said...

And who is that with Neil?

Kelly H. said...

Kristin - yes to Dan Fisher, but goes by Dan Fisher-Owens now. It's Traci (Dodd) Christiansen Keen with Judy Deb and I. Neil is with Davis Maloy. What a trip huh??