Thursday, July 30, 2009

Celebrate!! (WH)

June? Must be time to Celebrate WH!! This involves crazy parking, expensive craft booths, yummy but expensive food and ridiculous lines for $5.00 ferris wheel lines. But that's ok, it's all for a good cause...oh wait, no, it's just for the coffers of our town. Oh well.

The kids adore it and it was a beautiful (though hot) day. Papa, Lindsay and Lis joined us too which was cool. Got to hang with "the girls" and Papa went on all the rides with the kids. When did my inner ear start to hate rides that spin?? God, I'm old.

Bumped into lots of folks we know and drank fresh squeezed lemonaid. Julia got her face painted. The woman who did it liked the design so much when she was done she asked if she could take her picture for her website. Gosh, NO, wouldn't want her face splashed all over someone's blog...hee hee.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What did you do to your niece?!?! She looks pissed!!