Ah camping...words you won't hear from me unless they are preceeded by "Neil took both kids and I had a night to myself..." Well, it was supposed to be 2 nights to myself, but I digress.
They packed up and headed to Otis, Mass with a boatload of food and supplies. Julia had never been camping and Neil, in a clearly gregarious mood, decided to take them both (note from photos, yes, she was the only girl.) After the first night they spent the next day hiking ( a 4 mile trail, by accident), boating, fishing, playing endless Uno games and just having fun.
When I saw Peter C., Sr. (Neil's co-asst. Pack leader) he laughed and said, "It was just like having you there (to have Julia along)." I laughed and asked, "Am I that bad?" He laughed and said "No, but she was just like a wife, convinced we were doing it all wrong!"
Who? My daughter?
Sadly, all the fun came to abrupt halt when Dev woke up at 1:45 am and threw up all over the tent. Neil decided it was just easier to come home and leave it all there until the next day. So, in walks my family at 3:00 a.m. One of these days, my heart WILL give out.
But, stomach upset not included, it sounded like a good time. Even better, because I got to enjoy it through pictures!!
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