Ah the hubris of youth. I don't ski. Some of you have seen me ski and would wholly agree that I don't ski. However, Neil does ski, well I might add, and I'm determined to have kids that don't grow up hating it like I did.
Devin and Neil have been going to Ascutney for a couple years now with Cub Scouts. Devin has my cautious nature and Neil's testosterone, a tough combination. Sometimes he's gung ho, sometimes, well, not so much.
Julia had never been skiing and I suspected she was a bit more like her Dad than her Mom on this one.
Neil decided to take them for a day during their Christmas vacation week. A quick trip to Butternut. I was torn - be a lodge bunny with my book or clean the house. Sadly cleaning won, but Neil got some great pictures.
I guess it's a law (and one I think is a good one) that everyone (not just kids) who skis has to wear a helmet. So, $200 worth of helmets later I was REALLY hoping Julia would take to this. You can't rent them b/c of lice - whatever.
Devin decided he didn't need a lesson this time and even did a few solo runs (that's him on the lift by himself). What a dude.
Julia took a lesson and did very well according to her instructor. She had a few near-meltdown moments trying to get on the lift (I guess she is like her Mom a bit) and then really took off. Check her out on the cool pulley-up-the-mountain thingy they have there. Isn't that cool? I'd have broken something for sure.
They were all very pooped out when they got home, but reports were that it was a good time. They proudly showed off their lift passes at school the next week. And I even got some stuff done in the nice, quiet house. Ahhhhh, vacation.
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