Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Julia's Poetry Tea

Ok, the learning curve for video off our new camcorder has been fairly steep. But, I have had success!! Here is a snippet we got back in December from Julia's 2nd grade Poetry Tea. I think she did a great job. There was a pretty good crowd in this room at the time too. She seemed a little anxious to get back to her seat and she looked over at me b/c I had threatened to do a "Woot woot!" at the end, and she made me PROMISE not to. I was good...


Deb Hanna said...

goodness she seems so serious! she did great and well done not doing a woot woot- her godfather would not have respected her wishes on that one :)

Kelly H. said...

AND he would have worn the shirt too. Hmmm, remind me to invite you two to the next one of these...