Thursday, January 15, 2009

Dec 26th at Papa's (Xmas # 3)

We mixed things up a bit this year with Papa and had Christmas at his house last instead of first. To the delight of his Grandkids (all 3 of them this year!) he did get his tree up. Yeah! Kids got a couple of big "musical" gifts from Papa. Julia got a piano for her Julia doll (the most requested gift of 2008 for her) and Devin got his trumpet! This concept was a little tough for him to wrap his brain around initially. We've been renting his trumpet since July and Papa, knowing how much he loves the trumpet, bought it for him for XMas.
So we had to sneak it in for Papa to wrap up. But when he opened it, he didn't "get" it right away. What was so funny was watching him slowly react to the news that this trumpet was now HIS to keep forever. Then...he fell over on the floor in shock. Very dramatic!!
I finally got to give my niece the little Ugg boots that I knit for her. Lindsay sent me THE cutest picture of her a couple days later wearing them with a giant smile on her face. Cutie pie!!
Dec. 26th is also...Adam's birthday! The old geezer turned 35 this year. He's so old he should think about Depends and Geritol soon, don't you think? He can still party like a rock star though (or at least pose for pix like he does). Check out the size of that Kahlua martini. Ouch, my liver.

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