Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First Day of 4th and 2nd

After what I've decided was a whirlwind summer, we've finally started to settle back into reality. That means lots of laundry and house cleaning and the first day of school!!

For the first time I can recall Devin was NOT excited about his first day. He's finally gotten into the "ugh school" years and the burst of enthusiasm just was there. Now, with that said, he got up, got dressed (in what I now think looks like a school uniform - haha) and had a big smile on his face as he left us to go line up. He won't admit it, but the social creature in him was dying to see his friends, even if that meant having to go to school to do it!

Julia couldn't wait. She got the teacher she wanted, in one of the "portable" classrooms that has AC (this was her most important factor when deciding which teacher she wanted). She put in the clothes we bought for her first day (apparently matching is OUT of style, so goodness knows what that will mean). But the little skirt was soooo cute on her. She grabbed my hand at the last minute as we got closer to school and then saw her friends in her class this year and took off.
And is it just me, or does she look 15 years old in the first pictures????

Again she had that one little minute of hesitation (which casused me to get an almost dulpicate photo from last year with her turning around in line). She's certainly consistent! Can't wait to get all the stories and paperwork tonight!! Do you think we'll have homework??


Bec Odell said...

Hey it's Devin's picture day shirt, right? (And no beaver song hand gestures or elaborate mime of being punched in the crotch? - those kids take their first day of school pics seriously!) Julia looks totally grown-up. Hope they had a great day!

Kelly H. said...

Yes it is!! Making the most of the $5 shirt!!

Deb Hanna said...

Julia totally looks 15, especially in the second picture with her legs just so. I was looking at the pic and wondering if that shirt and skirt go together.. I couldn't decide figured there must be some green in the skirt. looks totally cute.

Kelly H. said...

Well, if you ask me, no they barely go together. There is a bit of kelly green in the skirt, so it just passes the snif test.

Now, if you ask Julia, she doesn't like it when things are "matchy". Can't be genetically mine, I swear.

I should have taken a picture of her today. Peachy solid shirt with hot pink plaid skirt (with some peach, but again, barely) and her new cowboy-like boots. I can't make this stuff up.

A mom friend of mine asked me who dressed her today. Let the games begin. I have a recollection of Judy Borden telling me my look in high school was "bohemian". I'm guessing that may be starting early in her.