Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The OBX Kid Series

On picture night the fairly patient kids dealt with one last group shot and then we told them to go ahead and be silly.

A few things to note as you review this seies of photos.

First, you need to watch the Hanna children on the far right. As Deb put it, you tell them to stay still all night and they can't. But you tell them to go crazy and they freeze like statues. I didn't even realize it until we looked at them in slide show mode. MOST amusing.

Second, yes, that's my daughter mooning the camera. Like father, like daughter.

Third, I'm fairly certain Emma's doing the Beaver Dance, but hard to say.

Last, but certainly not least, please note the obviously premeditated interaction between Jack and Devin. Jack delivers the shot, and Devin reacts. This was all fake, but very well acted for the camera, wouldn't you agree?

1 comment:

Bec Odell said...

This series is hilarious. Still think it looks like the Odells missed the navy memo...